Current Projects

Research Projects

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Delphi helps to create benchmark program sets for the evaluation of program analyses. :::

Program Analysis Frameworks

::: {.alert .alert-info role=“alert”} I design and contribute to various program analysis frameworks. :::

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OPAL is an OPen, extensible Analysis Library for Java bytecode which is written in Scala. It supports various analyses and has support for abstract interpretation and bytecode manipulation/instrumentation.

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PhASAR is a flexible framework to analyze LLVM IR bitcode enabling complex data-flow analysis for programs written in C/C++.

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Soot is currently rewritten from scratch allowing it to be adapted to modern software engineering techniques and preparing it for the future of program analysis. ::: ::::

Past Projects

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Platform for the Efficient Analysis and Secure Composition of Software Components

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Java Exploit Library

Collecting illustrating examples for past exploits of Java and the JCL

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Inside-out data-flow analysis for integrity and confidentiality problems :::